Restaurant Websites


Why We Are So Great At Restaurant & Food Service Websites…

(And Why Every Food Service Business Needs One)

1. Photography – Unlike most other web design firms, we have a professional food photographer “in house”. All photography is included in the price of the website package.

2. Content Management – Unlike many other websites, this will be a CMS (Content Management System). This means that you or your manager will be able to log into the front end and make changes to text, (hours, menu items, prices, specials, etc) without having to call us and pay us for these changes. It is done as easily as you would send an email.

3. Search Engine Optimization – Go to Type in the search bar, ‘ New Orleans Web Design ‘ . There are well over a thousand web designers in Southeast Louisiana, from students, to small mom and pop companies, up to the larger firms. Of this large number of designers that we compete with, we rank on top of page one on a Google search. This has been pointed out so that you can rest assured that we know what we are doing when we code your website for maximum search engine placement.

4. Newsletter – We can install newsletter software on your website to capture names and email addresses of the users visiting your web site. You will then be able to market directly to them using the Newsletter email system built in. This system was designed with the layman in mind, meaning, it is extremely user friendly after it has been set up.

5. Event Calendar – Show your website browsers, at a glance, what is going on from month to month.

6. Header Rotator or Video – on the front page of your site, a video or rotating image module will disply up to 20 seconds of video or 6 of your restaurant’s photos. This is to give the first page of your site that “WOW” factor

7. Saves Time! How many times a day does you or an employee stop what they are doing to fax a menu? Never again!

8. Video – We can direct, shoot, edit, and stream from your website a 1.5 to 2 minute “Webmercial” that will have your customers’ mouth watering before they even leave your site.

9. Interactive maps get your customers to your establishment without any hassles.

Rhino Web Studios has been building restaurant websites for over 20 years now, and our experience in this area is second to none. Rest assured that we will bend over backwards to make sure that your website looks professional, and MAXIMIZES your profits through its many added features.
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